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The Facts

Scientific research shows that one in ten people overall, and one in six adolescents, who use marijuana develop dependence or addiction.



More than 40% of teens try marijuana before they graduate high school.


- Marijuana: Facts Parents Need 

to Know, U.S. Department of 

Health and Human Services


70.1% of the 523,000 TEENS aged 12 to 14 who had used marijuana in the past year received the drug for free the last time they used.

Among youth receiving substance abuse treatment, marijuana accounts for the largest percentage of admissions: 63% among those 12–14, and 69% among those 15–17.


- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Research shows that marijuana can cause structural damage, neuronal loss and impair brain function on a number of levles, from basic motor coordination to more complex tasks, such as the ability to plan, organize, solve problems, remember, make decisons and control behavior and emotions.




Marijuana users may have many of the same respiratory problems that tabacco smokers have, such as chronic cough.


- U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services

In 2008, marijuana was reported in over 374,000 emergency deparment visits in the U.S., with about 13% involving people between the ages of 12 and 17.


- U.S. Department of Health

and Human Services

Only 26.6% of young marijuana users purchased the drug (Data Spotlight, SAMHSA).A majority of marijuana users aged 12 to 14 (55.6%) received their free marijuana from friends, while 10.1-percent received it free from someone in their family.



Research shows that early-onset cannabis use heightens the risk for development of a psychosis like schizophrenia.


- National Health and Medical

Research Council of Australia

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